Copernic summarizer

Using sophisticated statistical and linguistic algorithms, it pinpoints the key concepts and extracts the most relevant sentences, resulting in a Web site or document summary that is a shorter, condensed version of the original text.

  • Produces document summary reports for text contents by processing documents, Web pages, hyperlinks, email messages and other files.
  • Can summarize a document from a file without opening it (Drag & Drop command allowed).
  • Can summarize a Web Page from a URL address without opening it, directly from the software main screen or via its extensions in Windows or integrated client applications.
  • Summarizes text document from the Clipboard.
  • Produces document summary of unopened documents in various compatible file formats (.doc, .txt, .rtf, .pdf, .htm, .html and .url).
  • Can summarize documents in English, French, German and Spanish.
  • Generates summary reports with key concepts (up to 100) and key sentences according to the configured or customized summary length.
  • Offers whole document or selected part of a document summary functionalities.
  • Can refine a summary report by deleting selected concepts and sentences, with an automatic summary updating when a concept is deleted.
  • Highlights concepts in key sentences.
  • Can modify in real-time the summary length value of a document summary (percentage or maximum number of required words).
  • Exports summary reports to various file formats (HTML, XML, Rich Text Format and Text file) and appended to files.
  • Copies summary concepts and key sentences into another document.
  • Sends summary reports to one or more recipients.
  • Offers Print command for summary reports.

Product Images

Software Specifications

Addin Version: 2.0
Product URL:
Company URL:
Support URL:


Cost: $59.95
MultiUser Licenses? No
Trial? Yes

Minimum Requirements

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Outlook Version(s): Microsoft Outlook 2000
Microsoft Outlook 2002
Hard Drive Space: 15 (MB)
Memory: 32 (MB)
Copernic summarizer is an addin for Microsoft Outlook. Addins are sometimes referred to as Plugins. The Outlook Utilities along with the Leprechaun Works, LLC makes no warranties or guarantees as to the product capabilities or the information describing said product.

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